'text-effect' Posts:

Slider Puzzle Part 4 and The Big Project

Well, it's slightly to my surprise that I hadn't actually posted the 4th part of my tutorial series on my blog:[...] It's been a few weeks since this video was released, the content of which has all but slipped from my mind, but I presume from the helpful title that it contains the actual animation of the pieces. After re-watching the intro I'm also informed that it contains some optimizations to make the code run a little more efficiently. So that's nice.

Slider Puzzle Part 3 and Bug Reporting

Well, another week has shot by which means it's time for part 3 of my tutorial series:[...] I've also been working on my other main project. I haven't really spoken about it yet or shared anything about it other than that I've done some scripting for it. I'm still not ready to do that, maybe after this tutorial is out the way I can start sharing more about it.

Creating The Grid and The End of Tutorials

Well, it's certainly been a long time since my last video. Here's the first part of the tutorial that accompanies it:[...] I had actually planned on stopping doing tutorials, or at least 'ramping down'. I got a job in November (unfortunately not related to 3D or graphics), so my spare time is a little more precious now.

Slider Puzzle

Well the weeks have rolled on since my last video and finally the new effect is finished. This took a while...[...] This video will eventually lead to my first tutorial really that focuses solely on python in blender. The script I wrote can basically take a few parameters such as the grid size, the number of moves (to mix the puzzle, the more the better/slower) and the number of frames each move should take.

Icing Text Tutorial

So here's my latest tutorial based on the Icing Effect from a few videos back:[...] There's not a huge amount to say specifically about the techniques demonstrated other than it solely focuses on the creating of the icing and not the materials or rendering, but I talk about that in the video anyway. As often happens, I managed to improve the technique from the original video as I was preparing for the tutorial (more on that in a separate post), which is helpful because I wasn't particularly looking forward to recording this. It was a difficult effect (as they all seem to be) and the technique was particularly hard to develop as there didn't seem to be a definite explanation as to why certain things had to be done, which kind of undermines the point of a tutorial which is to teach.

Inflating Text

Introducing my latest effect, Inflating Text:[...] So this effect was a real tough one, it was really difficult at times to get it finished. I had to switch techniques after having worked on it for a few days and had already given up on several other effects when I realised they wouldn't work, so it felt like it took a long time to complete.

Ice and Icing

I've put the rollercoaster project on hold for a bit. I did a bit of work on it the other day, which I'll talk about in a separate post, and I might work on it as a break from the current project but I just feel I should be focusing on work for my showreel.[...] While the rollercoaster project is something that will be included in my reel it's a bit more general than my modelling 'remit'. Sure, it has modelling, but it's focus is vfx which is a bit more general. I've always heard you should be quite specific in your reel and that it should clearly represent what you want to do so I'm working on a more modelling heavy project. I'm not going to talk about it at the moment, for some reason I like to keep most of my projects secret, as if I've got a huge audience waiting in suspense. But I'll do a few posts once it's out, it's a complex project (for me) so that may be a while.