'image' Posts:

Modelling The Forth Arm

In my last post I noticed that the forearm models looked a little less than perfect. The forearms were one of the first parts of the model I made and originally I really wanted to make sure they conformed to the reference images I had. Coming back to them now, I think I made them conform a bit too much. Even though they appeared to fit the references, they were a weird shape when viewed from the top. I thought it would be better to reshape them to something more logical even if they didn't match the reference images as well:

Making Headway

Despite promising to cover some of the modelling processes I use for the 'Heartbreaker' project, I'm just doing a short post today. Hard surface modelling techniques can wait until I have time (and/or inclination) to do a proper write up.[...] In my ongoing modelling odyssey* the Heartbreaker project continues, today with the 'finishing' of the head. I say 'finishing' as there are still a few things to do, like a few interior panels that lie behind the exterior panels, but essentially I have finished the main modelling.

Selective Unhide Add-on

'Heartbreaker' isn't the main thing I'm going to be talking about today. I did do some work on it (as I do every week); it was an update on the head, and I wanted to finish that update before showing a 'before and after' comparison, so until that's fully finished, I'll just show the newer version of the bicep which I also worked on:

Robot vs Vacuum

Just a quick 3D re-doing of an old illustration:[...] I had wanted to call this 'Robot vs Hoover' but I think it's only the UK and a few other places that use the word hoover, which is a brand name, as the alternative word for vacuum cleaner. For the sake of international understanding the name had to change. It was a big sacrifice.